Friday of Week 5 of Lent
Both Jeremiah and Jesus were attacked for their beliefs, but the mission of both was real…
Both Jeremiah and Jesus were attacked for their beliefs, but the mission of both was real…
The promises to Abraham, when compared to the later exodus from Egypt under Moses, have a universal sweep…
True freedom is the freedom to love, to give of ourselves to others as Jesus gave of himself to us…
The slimy symbol of Israel’s sin – the serpent with its poisonous bite – is transformed into a sign of salvation…
We need wisdom to know when to choose silence, hoping that with God’s help, justice will prevail…
This fifth Sunday of Lent, we gather to worship our compassionate God, who heals our sinfulness and challenges us to leave our sinfulness behind.
What did Jesus write with his finger on the ground? The Gospel gives us a possible clue..
The prophecy of Jeremiah our text from Saint John offer some help for interpreting Holy Scripture today…
There is always more to Jesus than we realize; we are always on a journey of discovery…
In cases of controversy we must decide which approach is the better, more life-promoting outcome…
When Jesus cures a lame man at the pool of Bethesda, petty legalists complain about a violation of Sabbath rest…
Lent trains us like athletes, to throw off the sluggish and heavy drag of gloom and pessimism, to turn aside from false values, so that our best self may emerge.
Jesus really can work miracles, no less now than then. When he said, “Your son will live” the courtier believed him. But faith does not exclude our taking active initiative...
We have reached the midway point of the season of Lent. The joy of Easter is within our reach and the parent of the prodigal son encourages us to rely on divine mercy.
Luke 15 may be the best short story that was ever written. Some of its phrases are so powerful that they have become proverbial… 1st Reading: Joshua 5:9-12 The Israelites, free at last from slavery and humiliation in Egypt, enter the land of promise The Lord said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away from…
Prayer-words become genuine prayer only when joined to a humble love and search for God…
Both readings deal illustrate conversion of heart, which is more than saying no to sin…
Helping the needy and the stranger should become second nature to us. Then we will be acting with the agency of God..
Following the word of God keeps us on the path of life…
Just as Daniel and his people survived and flourished, so the Gospel speaks of forgiveness and renewal…