18 February. Monday of Week 6
Monday of Week 6
Monday of Week 6
Happy are they who their trust in the Lord: worry will not come their way, their lives will bear fruit. The prophet Jeremiah’s words are reflected in the Psalm, as we are invited to trust in the One who never disappoints.
Jeremiah tells us whom we can really trust. Even leaders can lead us astray. Our primary trust is in the Lord, who guides our lives. 1st Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-8 Trust in human resources is like a withering shrub in the arid desert Thus says the Lord: “Cursed are those who trust in mere mortals and…
Saturday of Week 5
Friday of Week 5
Cyril and Methodius so influenced the cultural development of all the Slavic peoples that they are honoured as “Apostles to the Slavs.” 1st Reading: Acts 13:46-49 The mission of the apostles, later emulated by Cyril and Methodius to the Slavs Then both Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “It was necessary that the word…
Without wisdom, evil can entice us away from the right path. Jesus names some evil tendencies, almost the reverse of the ten commandments: fornication, theft, murder, greed, arrogance, an obtuse spirit. The wisdom we need comes from God’s Holy Spirit. 1st Reading: Genesis 2:4-9, 15-17 God creates Adam and sets him in the garden to…
While exalting the status of men and women as the joint pinnacles of creation, Genesis also suggests that the interplay of the sexes in marriage is a significant image of God’s inner being. 1st Reading: Genesis 1:20, 2:4 After forming man and woman to the divine likeness, on the seventh day God rested God said,…
Genesis gives a wide-angle view of the universe as the sanctuary or throne for God’s majestic presence. All religious ceremonies, whether in the Jerusalem temple or on our church altars must keep contact with the physical world of earth and sky. 1st Reading: Genesis 1:1-19 God creates light, sky, earth and sun, moon and stars,…
Everyone who believes God’s word is called to pass on the Good News. Like many who have gone before us, including the prophet Isaiah and the apostles Peter and Paul, we may not feel up to the task. But God helps us every day.
5th Sunday (C)
Saturday of Week 4
Friday of Week 4
Thursday of Week 4
Wednesday of Week 4
Tuesday of Week 4
Monday of Week 4
We gather as people loved by God, people called to pass on the love we have received. The love God has put into the world will never fail, but will last as long as humanity lasts. We praise God for the gifts lavished on us.
4th Sunday (C)
Two devout Jewish people of advanced age exemplify a keen sense of God-awareness. Simeon’s meeting with the holy family led him towards God in prayer; Anna’s meeting with the holy family led her to share the good news. 1st Reading: Malachi 3:1-4 When his Temple-messenger comes, God will again receive our worship See, I am…