17th December.Wednesday of Advent, Week 3

Believe the Good News: The angel Gabriel is sent to Zechariah to bring him the good news that his wife, Elizabeth, who has been barren will soon give birth to a son, and a special son at that, someone whose calling it would be to prepare for the Lord a people fit for him. However, this good news was too much for Zechariah to hear and he could not bring himself to believe…

10th December. Wednesday of Advent, Week 2

Keeping hope alive. . .The great prophet of the Babylonian exile whom we call “Second Isaiah” was summoned by God to comfort and strengthen the people, whose memories were haunted by the destruction of their holy city, Jerusalem. Their family bonds as well as their familiar ways of life had been shattered. The prophet imagined them saying: “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God.”

6th December. Saturday of Advent, Week 1

Widening horizons . . . Isaiah seems more adventurous than Jesus today. The prophet implies the immediate presence of God to his people: “No longer will your Teacher hide himself, but with your own eyes you shall see your Teacher”; while Jesus sends out others to cure sickness and disease instead of doing so himself. Isaiah’s vision sweeps across the world, “over high mountains and lofty hill” . . .

4th December. Thursday of Advent, Week 1

Who shall build up our church?… In Isaiah God builds the city, setting up its walls and ramparts to protect it; in the Gospel we build the house solidly, setting it on rock. While Isaiah summons into the new city those who trust in the Lord, Jesus promises salvation to the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. The prophetic text emphasises faith while the Gospel stresses action…

3rd December. Wednesday in the 1st Week of Advent

A vision of paradise created by the Spirit…At times we seem too caught up in enforcing laws and discipline, however well intended, so that some are excluded from the joy of eucharistic communion on account of their lapses from matrimonial fidelity. In our time, clergy and laity are re-thinking what Our Lord would want by way of disposition, in order to be allowed receive this gift of the Bread of Life. “Lord, I am not worthy…