Presider’s Page for 31 January (Ordinary Time 4)

Opening Comment
We gather as people loved by God, people called to pass on the love we have received. The love God has put into the world will never fail, but will last as long as humanity lasts. We praise God for the gifts lavished on us.

  • Today is the first day of Catholic Schools Week in Ireland.

Penitential Rite
As we prepare to for this celebration, let us call to mind our shortcomings in the light of God’s eternal love and forgiveness: (pause)
Lord Jesus, you came to reconcile us to one another and to the Father: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you heal the wounds of sin and division: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you intercede for us with your Father: Lord, have mercy

Alternative Opening Prayer (from 1998 ICEL Missal)
God of salvation,
in your Prophet, Jesus the Christ,
you announce freedom
and summon us to conversion.
As we marvel at the grace and power of your word,
enlighten us to see the beauty of the gospel
and strengthen us to embrace its demands.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.

Introduction to the Scripture Readings
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 The call of Jeremiah is described. He is assured that nothing will defeat him.
1 Corinthians 12:31 to 13:13 This reading, often included at marriage ceremonies, explains what love means in practice.
Luke 4:21-30 Jesus is rejected by his own – the perfect beginning for Luke’s Gospel, which was written mainly for the Gentiles.


Introduction (by the Presider) God is our hope, our salvation, so we bring forward all our needs.

  1. For the Church and everyone who is part of  it, that all Christians may grow in love (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  2. For those called to be prophets, that they may preach God’s word, no matter what happens (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  3. For people of every religion, that all may work for peace and justice (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  4. For the Catholic Schools of our country, that they may be places of forgiveness and mercy (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  5. For all who gather for Mass today, that our Christianity may be seen in lives of love (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  6. For the people in our community in any kind of difficulty, that they may have the help they need (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.

The presider prays for the dead: for those who have died (especially N and N), that they may know perfect love in heaven (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider) Lord our God, you are a rock where we can take refuge: hear our prayers and grant us your sustaining grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

in reverent service
we place these gifts upon your altar;
receive them into your sight
and make them the sacrament of our redemption.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

PREFACE (Sundays in Ordinary Time VII)
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
holy Father, almighty and eternal God.
You so loved the world
that you gave your only Son as our Redeemer.
You sent him as one like ourselves,
though free from sin,
that you might love in us what you love in Christ.
Your gifts of grace, lost when we disobeyed you,
are now restored by the obedience of your Son.
And so we join the angels and saints
in the joyous hymn of your praise: HOLY, HOLY, HOLY

Nourished with the sacrament of our redemption,
We ask you, Lord, that by its saving power
true faith may always grow and prosper.
Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Yahweh, I Know You Are Near; Shepherd Me O God; Ag Críost an Síol; Be Not Afraid.

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